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Javier Torrealba - "Ceremonia"

Javier Torrealba - "Ceremonia"

As an opener to Javier Torrealba’s new album of the same name “Ceremonia” gradually ramps up the tension and suspense through building up through a sparse to incredibly dense minimalist approach of deep synth work. Relatively straight forward synth lines bounce off of each other and gradually become more distorted and downright heavy by the end of the composition. According to Torrealba, “Ceremonia, is the opener of my new album and gives the name to the album as well, because, this track stablish the main theme for the album, based in rough textures and repetitive patterns, giving a ritualic and almost tribal feeling. Noise, Lo-Fi and analogue goodness is always present in my music.” There is plenty of noise and grit on this track that make a compelling listen.

Eric Angelo Bessel - "Kindly Rewind"

Eric Angelo Bessel - "Kindly Rewind"

Robert Nance - "Ridgeland"

Robert Nance - "Ridgeland"