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John Derek Bishop - "Violet"

John Derek Bishop - "Violet"

“Violet” is the latest from the Norwegian artist John Derek Bishop whose approach to ambient focused music from traditional jazz instruments is one that is truly breathtaking. “Violet” showcases his knack for creating intricate melodies and pulsing, rotational patches of instrument and field recordings. Deep work that should appeal to fans of Hiroshi Yoshimura and Joy Guidry’s latest ambient work.

“A cornerstone in Bishop´s production is the texture and timbre of sound. He searches for sounds that are out of the ordinary and places the listener in different emotional states. For compositional processes, he utilises both hardware and software equipment including retro tape recorders, modular synthesizers, samplers and a diverse array of other tools. His music is influenced by ambient, electronica and experimental jazz. 

On stage Bishop live-samples the musicians he plays with and uses this as his sound pallet to improvise with. Theses recordings are used to create chords, textures, melodies and rhythm. This way of improvising has been pioneered by Jan Bang. Bishop utilises modern sampling equipment to push the boundaries of this new instrument in improvised music.” 

Ross Hoyt - "Outage Power II"

Ross Hoyt - "Outage Power II"

Samantha - "Black Lake"

Samantha - "Black Lake"