
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

Minihi - "Ant Mill"

Minihi - "Ant Mill"

“Ant Mill” by Minihi is a slow burn from a choir of disembodied vocals to a textural and engaging electronic composition that is comprised of a surging bass line, distorted arpeggios and intersecting percussive measures. Of the track the press release states, “Ant Mill is a modern experimental dance track with strong classical influences which was written as a commentary on humankind’s tendency to blindly follow each other down increasingly destructive path” Heavy work that should appeal to artists such as Actress and Bicep.

Ross Harper - "Hard Patience"

Ross Harper - "Hard Patience"

inter.ference - "Rebirth"

inter.ference - "Rebirth"