
Welcome to my blog. I document my adventures in travel, style, and food. Hope you have a nice stay!

SHON - "Petrichor"

SHON - "Petrichor"

“Petrichor” by Shon is a reunion song of sorts. Following a break up and a separation from their garden, “Petrichor” was written in that space and speaks to the familiarity and persistence of olfactory memory. Building up from a granulated piano melody, “Petrichor” breaks into reverent and resonant sounds that highlight the organic tones of the piano. With long reverb tales these notes reverberate through space and sound impossibly good on nice headphones. Great work by this Los Angeles based sound artist and composer.

Ben McElroy - "Collecting Bone Dust"

Ben McElroy - "Collecting Bone Dust"

Arlo Anwin - "In Series"

Arlo Anwin - "In Series"